English Newsletter 'PEACE CULTURE' No.89, July 2023

International Festival 2022

~Let's Open the Door to the World, Let's Meet our Global Friends~
On November 20, 2022, the International Festival was held at the International Conference Center Hiroshima (ICCH), the Peace Boulevard Greenbelt, and other venues. For the past two years, the festival was held on a reduced scale and mainly online due to the coronavirus infection, but we took all possible infection control measures and held the festival on a regular scale for the first time in two years.
 Sixty-seven citizen and business groups that are engaged in international exchange and cooperation activities in Hiroshima City and its suburbs held 49 diverse events related to cross-cultural understanding, the global environment, multicultural coexistence, and Japanese cultural experiences, attracting approximately 1,800 visitors. It became a day for both foreign and Japanese participants to experience cultures from around the world.
 The opening ceremony featured a calligraphy performance by students of the Department of Calligraphy, Faculty of Letters, Yasuda Women's College, who dynamically wrote the catch copy of the International Festival, "ひらこう世界のとびら (Let's Open the Door to the World)", to great applause from the audience.
Calligraphy Performance
Calligraphy Performance

Talk show by Seiichiro Maki
~Spreading my wings to the world and living with my hometown: Me, shining through sports

Talk show by Seiichiro Maki
Talk show by Seiichiro Maki
 The guest speaker, Seiichiro Maki, a former Japanese national soccer team player, introduced his memories of former national soccer team coach Ivica Osim, his experiences playing in Russia and China, his current activities to support the disabled, and his reconstruction assistance activities in the disaster-affected areas. The audience of about 90 people listened attentively to the end of the presentation.

Introduction of international exchange and cooperation activities, consultation corner

 At the "Citizens' Groups and Others" activity corner, 10 groups set up booths to introduce their activities and explain their international exchange and cooperation activities. Other booths were set up by public organizations, civic groups, NGOs, university students, and companies, and participants visited the booths that they were interested in and deepened their connections. A consultation corner on visa and residence status, immigration, and residence procedures was set up at this year's event to explain where various application offices are and provide consultations.

Introduction and experience of foreign and Japanese culture

 For foreign cultural experiences, a corner was set up for visitors to experience Chinese paper cutting and Chinese-style kumi-himo (braided cord). For the Japanese traditional culture experience, a corner was set up for kimono dressing, tea ceremony, ikebana, and calligraphy. Both foreigners and Japanese were interested in experiencing the culture of each country.

World Cuisine and Folk Art Bazaar

 In the greenbelt of Peace Boulevard on the south side of the International Conference Center, 12 groups sold various cuisine from around the world at the Hiroshima International Village World Food Stalls. In addition, 10 groups participated in the International Cooperation Bazaar, selling folk crafts and other items from various countries.
In addition, there were presentations by international students, a Global Plaza where both adults and children could enjoy experiencing different cultures, a corner where visitors could learn about Hiroshima's sister and friendship cities, an outdoor stage where dances and music from around the world were performed, and a quiz rally where participants could receive gifts by answering quiz questions at each event site. Each venue was bustling with people, and participants deepened their understanding of multiculturalism and international exchange and cooperation.
(City Diversity & Inclusion Division)
Hiroshima Peace Culture Foundation
1-2 Nakajima-cho, Naka-ku, Hiroshima 730-0811 JAPAN
 Phone 082-241-5246 
Copyright © Since April 1, 2004, Hiroshima Peace Culture Foundation. All rights reserved.