Newsletter 'PEACE CULTURE' No.84-04

Memorial Gathering for Nagasaki Atomic Bomb Victims

Every year on August 9, the date that the atomic bomb was dropped on Nagasaki, this Foundation holds the Memorial Gathering for Nagasaki Atomic Bomb Victims. This gathering has been held since 2003, with the aim of expressing condolences from Hiroshima for those who lost their lives in the atomic bombing of Nagasaki, and to renew our vow for peace.
 The Memorial Gathering this year was held in a conference room on Floor B1 of the East Building of the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum. There were approximately fifty people in attendance, including atomic bomb survivors (hibakusha) and visitors to the museum.
Performance of a hibakusha picture-story show

Performance of a picture-story show conveying the experience of a Nagasaki hibakusha

 The Gathering began with a speech by Takashi Koizumi, Chairperson of this Foundation, followed by live television coverage of the Nagasaki Peace Memorial Ceremony. At 11:02am, the time that the atomic bomb exploded over Nagasaki city, all attendees observed a minute of silent prayer.
 Next was a speech by Kunihiko Sakuma, chairperson of the Hiroshima Prefectural Confederation of A-Bomb Sufferers' Organizations. The Gathering ended with a picture-story show conveying the experience of Nagasaki hibakusha Sumiteru Taniguchi.
(Peace and International Solidarity Promotion Division)
Hiroshima Peace Culture Foundation
1-2 Nakajima-cho, Naka-ku, Hiroshima 730-0811 JAPAN
 TEL +81-82-241-5246 
Copyright © Since April 1, 2004, Hiroshima Peace Culture Foundation. All rights reserved.