Newsletter 'PEACE CULTURE' No.84-20

Delegating atomic bombing witnesses and atomic bombing messengers

This Foundation delegated 41 Atomic Bombing Witnesses and 150 A-bomb Legacy Successors.
 The Atomic Bombing Witnesses are survivors (hibakusha) who speak about their own experience of the bombing, and the reality of the damage from the bombing, to groups visiting Hiroshima, including students on school trips and peace study tour groups.
 The A-bomb Legacy Successors are people who have received the stories of the atomic bombing experience and the wish for peace from the hibakusha, and will communicate these to future generations. They need to have completed three years of training. This year, nineteen new messengers commenced activities.
(Peace Memorial Museum Outreach Division)
Hiroshima Peace Culture Foundation
1-2 Nakajima-cho, Naka-ku, Hiroshima 730-0811 JAPAN
 TEL +81-82-241-5246 
Copyright © Since April 1, 2004, Hiroshima Peace Culture Foundation. All rights reserved.