Praying for the Safety of the Second Son, after Cremating the Eldest Sister

The eldest daughter, Naoko (3 years old) is burned and alone. She cries and cries and the tears don't stop: "I'll go too. Go first and wait for me there,"she would say with both hands together in prayer. The second son, Katsumi (9 years old) was also missing. I pray that he was able to escape to a safe place. As I continue to burn, I notice that fluids are starting to leave my body. This is really a lot of blood. I have to keep my energy, as I don't want anyone feeling bad for me. I feel like I'm starting to go crazy. I can't believe this is actually happening. This must be hell...
I've lived the past 30 years of my life repeatedly apologizing to the other two who lost their lives while I lived on.



