City Office NoticesCommunity Connections - November 2016

Community Connections is a column written by a Hiroshima City C.I.R., in which ways of making connections with people or local communities are introduced.

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What is a C.I.R. (Coordinator for International Relations)?

A Coordinator for International Relations, or C.I.R. for short, is a participant on the JET Programme who assists local government offices in international exchange at the local level.

2016 International Festival—Celebrating Hiroshima’s Links with the World!




Hello and welcome to another issue of Community Connections! My name’s Benjamin Swallow, I’m the new CIR (Coordinator for International Relations) at City Hall, and I’ll be writing this column for the next year! Autumn in Hiroshima means nothing without the annual International Festival, dedicated to the city’s links with countries and cultures from around the world and, as always, there will be plenty of things to do, see, eat, and experience throughout the day.

One of the best things about the International Festival is that it’s a great way to get tons of information about what’s going on in Hiroshima when it comes to internationally focused groups and activities, whether that be citizen activities, JICA volunteering or how local companies are contributing to international cooperation. In addition, the festival also has lots of events and workshops where you can try your hand at cultural experiences from around the world like Thai fruit carving or traditional Chinese paper cutouts. There are also a number of places where you can try traditional Japanese culture as well. Ikebana (flower arranging), kimono wearing, Japanese calligraphy and a tea ceremony are all there waiting for you so don’t be shy!

For several of the events, such as kimono wearing, flower arranging, and the classes for leading English tours around Hiroshima, reservation in advance is required so please make sure to call the International Relations & Cooperation Division on 082-242-8879 or drop them an email at to make sure you confirm your space!

Last but not least, if you’re in the mood to take something away with you, there will as always be an international bazaar, with stalls selling items from a wide variety of countries, and an international village and ethnic food stalls where you can taste a selection of different foods from around the world, all while watching some of outdoor stage performances. On a different note, if you find yourself in need of advice regarding life in Japan or visas, there will be a consultation corner offering free help with any issues you might have.

So, if you’ve got a free Sunday, come on down and visit us at the Peace Memorial Park on the 20th of November from 10:00 to 16:00 and enjoy a taste of Hiroshima and the world!