Japanese Language Supporters Training Course
-Aiming for international students' independence-
Since the start of the Japanese Language Supporters Training Course in 2010 by Hiroshima City International House, the number of applicants has exceeded the planned number every year. Last year once again there were more applicants than the number being recruited, demonstrating the high level of interest in the course.
  In the training course held on May 12, 2013, the instructor first gave explanations on the topics of "Japanese language in daily life", "What is the Japanese Language Aptitude Test?" and "How to develop simple Japanese language".
  After this the participants divided into groups, where they tried putting simple Japanese into practice in conversation. The instructor advised that they should focus on trying to draw out the other person's feeling of wanting to talk. The participants enjoyed the learning process.
  There was also a presentation by a supporter and international student who currently interact as a pair on their daily activities. The international student spoke about winning a speech contest with help from the supporter when practicing, and said that having a supporter had been a great help in getting used to life in Japan. The supporter said that the key to making the relationship a long-lasting one was to make sure that the schedule and content of activities are feasible for both parties, and just do what you can. The presentation was very well-received by course participants, with comments such as "Having heard actual feedback from an international student has made me even more enthusiastic about being a supporter", and "This helped me understand how I should interact with international students".
  At the report session after the course, participants listened intently to the detailed activity reports by supporters who are currently active. There were a number of reports that conveyed the strength of the ties between the international students and the supporters, including anecdotes of dedicated support provided to students when looking for jobs.
  The instructor closed with some advice: "Let's try to support the students to encourage their independence".
  We will continue to ensure that the supporter system can respond to the detailed needs of the international students, to make their life in Japan richer.
Participants listening to a presentation by an international student

(Hiroshima City International House)

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Copyright(C) Since April 1, 2004. Hiroshima Peace Culture Foundation